
Drive By on 67th Av 10-1-09

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On most occasions, when you walk up my street, it is pretty quiet. Not to many cars, not to many people. There is a High School nearby, and the kids come and go at certain times. The small hospital nearby elicits little traffic.

Since my victimization began; a caravan of cars will come thru all the inlets leading to my block, whenever I walk up my hill. There also seems to be more pedestrians walking my neighborhood. This video is an example of many videos that I have taken of what I call a drive by. 3/4 thru this video is a Police car driving by. I do not know whether or not the Police Vehicle is a participant in the drive by, although I believe there is some Police that are complicit in my daily victimization. I call these occurrences "Rituals", and they are part of many different types of abnormal activities that occur, wherever I am.
I begun to realize that these drive by occurrences are more than rituals, and I believe are intended to direct the wave technology at me, as they drive by me.  I definitely feel my legs stiffening, and it gets harder to walk, after the car drive by. 

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